Estranged student experiences at Bath - Student Support
Estranged students, from all years of study, share their reflections of life at the University to help future students at the University.
What are these pages all about?
Everyone's experiences are shaped by their cultures and backgrounds. As individuals, we are multifaceted. Some aspects of our identity can be best understood by those who can relate. The University of Bath has a vibrant community, of students from a diverse range of backgrounds, and we're keen to celebrate this.
The content on these pages has been created by current Bath students, for potential students. We have collated stories, experiences and information from across the University and brought it together here to make our voices heard, connect with others, and create community.
Explore the content below to learn more about our experiences as estranged students studying at Bath and a collection of useful links which might be helpful.
What is Estrangement?
Unsure what estrangement means, or whether it applies to you? Many of us were! In this blog, we explain all about what it means to be an estranged student, and how the University can support you.
Read our blog post: What does it mean to be an Estranged Student?
Ellie's story
Ellie often felt alone as an estranged student, and she has shared her story to try and make sure you don’t. Here, she talks about how being open with your estrangement can benefit you, as well as giving some practical tips, and sharing her experience of staying in university accommodation throughout her studies.
Read about benefits of being open with your estrangement
Bobbie's Bath Experience
Bobbie felt out of her depth and apprehensive about applying to University without parental support. Here, she shares why she decided to come to Bath, and her experiences of connecting with other students experiencing estrangement.
Read Bobbie's blog here
Speak to estranged students 1:1
If you’ve enjoyed reading our student blogs and would like to be matched with an estrangedstudent currently studying at Bath for some 1:1 online mentoring, you can do this through our Speak to a Student E-Mentoring service here.
Our mentors all have lived experience of estrangement, and are happy to support you with exploring your options, talking through any concerns, sharing their own student experiences, and helping you to prepare for university applications.
Useful links and places to explore
Supporting you
This page is all about sharing our experiences of student life. Explore our experiences of student support at Bath.
Explore our experiences of student support at BathContact us
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