Standard rooms in Norwood House cost between £150 and £156 per week. There are 143 rooms in Norwood House with 135 standard rooms, four studios and four rooms with a kitchenette.
Norwood House student accommodation
Norwood House is accommodation for first year undergraduates in the vibrant centre of campus.
Welcome to Norwood House
Norwood House is a multi-storey complex for 143 first year undergraduate students in flats of five to 11. It is right in the centre of our campus, less than a one-minute walk to the Library. The Students' Union, with it's coffee shop, fast food, shop, bar and nightclub, is beneath Norwood House, making it a vibrant place to live. To make you feel safe and at home, Norwood House has a secure living environment, with swipe card access to the buildings and flats and a dedicated operations team.

Key features of Norwood House
Just a few of the benefits of living here.
Accommodation Prices
Find out how much it costs to live in Norwood House and compare with our other undergraduate accommodation options.
Explore in 360 degrees
Get a feel for what it's like to live in Norwood, by viewing a bedroom and kitchen in more detail. Images show typical rooms for illustrative purposes; individual accommodation may vary.
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Getting to know your accommodation
Living in Norwood House gives you everything you need to work, relax and rest.

All bedrooms have:
- standard 91cm x 183cm single bed with reading light
- your own wash basin
- a large communal kitchen, perfect for preparing meals and socialising with your flatmates.
Image gallery
Explore Norwood House further.
Floor plan
A typical bedroom floor plan for Norwood House. This is an example, not all bedrooms are exactly the same.

Room numbers
Norwood House is one building with five floors that have around 29 rooms each. Your room details contain your building, floor and room number. For example, the room number N5.01 means you are located in Norwood House, fifth floor, room one.
LGBTQ+ accommodation
You can apply to live in LGBTQ+ accommodation in Norwood.
Accommodation for students with a diagnosed medical condition or disability
There are studio and standard rooms with a kitchenette in Norwood House.
For more information about these rooms please contact the ResLife Team at or on +44 1225 383111.
There is no accessible accommodation for students with disabilities.

‘The feeling of the rooms is very cosy (or, as the British say, “homey”), and it really makes me and my flatmates feel more at home even when some of us are halfway across the world from our families.’
Find out if you're eligible to apply for this accommodation
Apply to live in Norwood HouseEnquiries
Speak to our ResLife team for further information, support and guidance.