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Using Markdown to format text in Typecase

How to add headings, links, lists, tables, and other formatting to your content on the University website.

Characters we use in formatting

  • Hash symbol: #
  • Asterisk: *
  • Underscore: _
  • Square bracket: [ ]
  • Round bracket: ( )
  • Vertical bar, also known as Pipe: |
  • Angle bracket: >
  • Dash: -
  • Hard return: ↵ Enter
  • Caret: ^


Read about creating headings in Typecase.

New paragraphs

To start a new paragraph, use two hard returns at the end of a line.

Line breaks

To add a single line break (for example, if you're formatting an address in body copy), use two spaces and a hard return at the end of the line.


Use two asterisks either side of a word to make it bold.

Formatting Displays
This is a **bold** statement. This is a bold statement.

You should only use bold sparingly on a page to highlight individual words. Do not make whole sentences, paragraphs, or headings bold.


Use a single underscore either side of a word to italicise it.

Formatting Displays
My favourite book is _Great Expectations_ by Charles Dickens. My favourite book is Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.

You should only use italics sparingly on a page to highlight individual words. Do not italicise whole sentences, paragraphs, or headings.


Read about creating links in Typecase.


Read about creating lists in Typecase, including bullet points, numbered lists, and nested lists.

Featured quotes

To highlight a quotation, put an angle bracket in front of the quoted text. This will create a block quote on the page.

On most content types, you should add the name of the person speaking either before or after the quotation. For example:

Albert Einstein said:

> We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

Block quotes on Campaign, Case Study and Event pages

On a Campaign, Case Study or Event page, include single quotation marks after the angle bracket and around the quoted text.

Add the name of the person speaking after the quotation. To do this add:

  • an em dash after the quoted text (on a PC, hold Alt and type 0151 on the number pad; on a Mac, hold Alt and Shift, then type -)
  • the name and credentials of the person speaking after the em dash
  • ** to both sides of the name and credentials to make them bold

For example:

> 'We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.' — **Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist**


Read about creating tables in Typecase.


Use superscript if you need to:

  • reference work in your academic writing
  • write mathematical or scientific symbols
  • add references for marketing claims, for example, 'the majority of our undergraduates1 choose a placement or to study abroad'

To add a superscript character, use a caret (like this ^) followed by the reference number or symbol.

If you're adding a reference that connects to a footnote, put square brackets around the number and caret to link the reference and the footnote. Find out more about creating a footnote.

Don't use superscript for writing dates. This can confuse people who use English as a second language so just use the number, for example, '7 December'.

Escaping formatting characters

If you need to use a character in your content usually reserved for formatting, placing a backslash (\) in front of the character will allow it to display properly.

Formatting Displays as
I love _italics_ I love italics
I hate \_italics\_ I hate _italics_

Adding an inline image

If you need to add a signature to a Corporate Information page with the Letter subtype, use:

![alt text ](

To comply with accessibility legislation you must add your image alt text in the square brackets and the Flickr URL for the smallest version of the image in the round brackets. Find out more about using images on the website.

Don't use inline images on other content types.


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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