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Academic Advising Guidance

Key information and resources to support academic advisors.

Key information

The first stop for all academic advisors. These resources will outline expectations, guidelines and practical advice for academic advisors to help support student success.

Important policies and procedures

Policies and guidelines that all academic advisors need to follow, including Staff-Student Professional Boundaries.

QA33 Academic Advising

This Quality Assurance (QA) Code of Practice statement details the principles of the University’s Academic Advising System.


Useful additional resources and topic insights for academic advisors, to help develop your skills and make student meetings more effective.

Support directory

On this page you can find links to the support provided by the University and the SU and also to external support organisations.

Employability Map

Explore the University's Employability Map to help you plan your career journey.

Supporting students or challenging situations

Detailed guidance to assist with particular challenges and circumstances. If in doubt, call the Student Support Staff Advice Line.

Support and Report

We believe that bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct and discrimination are #NeverOK.

Support for Study Plan

Support for Study can be convened by a member of staff if they are concerned that a student’s health, wellbeing or behaviour is impacting their university life.

Where to go for further advice

Next steps for academic advisors seeking additional guidance or development. Contact your Director of Studies, Senior Academic Advisor or the Student Support Staff Advice Line.

Senior Academic Advisors

Senior Academic Advisors coordinate the Academic Advice system within their department and attend the Senior Academic Advisor Forum.

Staff learning and development

Training and support to help you get started in a new role, develop your career, use University systems, manage people, and stay safe at work.

Contact us

If in doubt call the Student Support Staff Advice Line