Quick guide for academic advisors
Key advice for staff who are academic advisors, including; five steps for student meetings, confidentiality, and attendance.
The first stop for all academic advisors. These resources will outline expectations, guidelines and practical advice for academic advisors to help support student success.
Key advice for staff who are academic advisors, including; five steps for student meetings, confidentiality, and attendance.
Find out what student support staff training is available and how to access it.
A quick guide for Academic Advisors explaining how to use and record Student Notes in the SAMIS system.
This document was created by the Professional Boundaries Working Group (PBWG) to set expectations for academic advisors and students.
This guidance gives suggestions to any member of the University of Bath community (staff and students) about what to do next.
Find out about academic advising for undergraduate and taught postgraduate students at Bath.
Policies and guidelines that all academic advisors need to follow, including Staff-Student Professional Boundaries.
This checklist has been created by the Senior Academic Advisor Forum to help departments plan their academic advisor training.
Guidance developed by the Professional Boundaries Working Group to help academic staff develop and maintain professional boundaries with students.
This Quality Assurance (QA) Code of Practice statement details the principles of the University’s Academic Advising System.
Guidance for staff about protecting student confidentiality while responding sensitively to the concerns of parents, carers and other third parties.
This policy is in relation to the admission and support we offer for students under the age of 18.
Understand the risks to avoid and process to follow for obtaining and/or providing employment references including for existing or former staff and students.
Useful additional resources and topic insights for academic advisors, to help develop your skills and make student meetings more effective.
From Security staff to Lecturers, we all look after students. We spoke to Catherine Bailey, Deputy Director of Student Services on this topic.
Senior Academic Advisors developed this resource as a guide to check-in points between academic advisors & students, suggest helpful topics, and top tips.
An experienced Senior Academic Advisor has recorded two short podcasts to help guide Academic Advisors through those initial and ongoing meetings with students.
Additional internal & external resources to help you succeed in your role as an Academic Advisor. Includes suggestions for videos, web, books and other content.
On this page you can find links to the support provided by the University and the SU and also to external support organisations.
Explore the University's Employability Map to help you plan your career journey.
Detailed guidance to assist with particular challenges and circumstances. If in doubt, call the Student Support Staff Advice Line.
Advice for staff on how to respond to students in distress and how to get support from other teams within the University.
A factsheet with guidance for staff on supporting students who are care leavers, estranged from their family, refugees, young adult carers or who are under 18.
We believe that bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct and discrimination are #NeverOK.
Guidance for staff on how to support disabled students and where to find information.
Information and advice if you are a student and have children.
Support for Study can be convened by a member of staff if they are concerned that a student’s health, wellbeing or behaviour is impacting their university life.
Next steps for academic advisors seeking additional guidance or development. Contact your Director of Studies, Senior Academic Advisor or the Student Support Staff Advice Line.
Senior Academic Advisors coordinate the Academic Advice system within their department and attend the Senior Academic Advisor Forum.
Directors of Studies (DoS) & Directors of Teaching (DoTs) are responsible for the strategic and operational management of taught programmes within Departments.
You can use these resources to help you support students and enable them to succeed and develop resilience.
The SU's professional advisors offer confidential, independent and non-judgemental information, advice and support
Training and support to help you get started in a new role, develop your career, use University systems, manage people, and stay safe at work.
The University now has institutional membership of the UKAT association, enabling all staff to register for free as affiliate members.
If in doubt call the Student Support Staff Advice Line